Let's get real, Paul and Joe do the prettiest make up. Without a doubt. I mean, wrap your eyes around this
beauty. Granted it would be a crime to use it and smoosh the cat face but it is pretty great regardless. Everything about their products are beautiful and kind of over the top, basically all of their products are in my ASOS wishlist. Oh, if you do buy a lipstick you have to buy the case separately, which may be a bit cheeky but there is a great cat one available too.

Finally sorting out my room at home. After moving back home after University for my job the only concern I really had was fitting all my stuff that had comfortably embellished a flat squeezing into my much smaller teenager room. I lived for two weeks in a Health and Safety man's nightmare, but I finally got round to sorting it out. I am terrible with any flat surface, it becomes covered in minutes. Here we have a forever rose from a former boyfriend which doggedly outlived mine and his relationship, a handmade teddy, an awkward photo booth strip taken with my sister in an Airport in Hawaii and swarovski crystal animals including a squirrel and dog. And look, there is a good three inches of space at the front which I could fill yet. God, I have a lot of stuff...
(Silk Shirt: H&M Trend/ Premium)
Oh look, work clothes, exciting. I thought this was pretty though, I was determined to buy stuff that was multi-use and could be worn casually as well as at work. This shirt is 100% silk and was a very reasonable £30 I think. It is very well made and I really enjoy it's minty goodness.
Right, now I need to figure out my first day at work outfit!
With love from,
Emma x