(Jumper: Pixie Market, Tutu Skirt: ASOS, shorts under: Stylestalker) #teenvogue
What better way to spend an afternoon by battling the fading sun in a tutu skirt that defies gravity and many other rules of nature. I mean obviously this skirt is great. Maybe the best thing since bread came sliced, but there are things to bare in mind. One, storage- my wardrobe is full, even if it wasn't though, fitting this guy in would be interesting. It is currently sassing it up on my dress mannequin, preventing me from getting within a meter of it. Two- it is sheer!? Why? I guess the idea is to wear it under things, but really. Three- It is so large, sitting down, and general movement become restricted. Fear of knocking everything over to the fear of actually being eaten alive by the thing are both very real realities. Oh well, long may my love affair continue. I said I liked a skirt that was good for spinning, maybe that is me done for the year.
With love from Emma,